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Delivery & Returns

What countries do you ship to?

We Ship worldwide

Where can I locate my tracking number?

You can track your order by entering your order number into the By Reference Number tracking area on the Canada Post website here.

One of my items was shipped damaged, what do I do?

If your merchandise arrives damaged, please email and we will assist you as quickly as possible.

There is an error in the shipping address that I provided, what do I do?

Please email as soon as possible if you made an error in your shipping address.
Please note: We will only be able to edit your shipping address before your order has shipped.

My tracking number shows that my item should have been delivered by now but I haven’t received it. What do I do?

Please check all areas where a delivery may have taken place (community mailbox, the front desk of an apartment building, a neighbor’s house). If the order has not been found, please email and we will assist you as quickly as possible.

What is your Return Policy for items purchased online?

Refunds by Mail, or Exchanges and Refunds are valid within 30 days from the original order date. Items must be returned unwashed, unworn, undamaged and with tags attached, accompanied by the invoice.

Please Note: Prices displayed on the website do not include taxes. When you proceed to purchase your order, sales tax (where applicable) will be calculated on the total value of merchandise, as well as shipping charges, and will be displayed on your Order Summary page.

I received my order but an item I ordered does not fit, can I exchange?

Yes, you are welcome to exchange your items.

How soon will I receive a refund for my online return?

Refunds are processed 3-5 business days after your return is received.

Still Need Help?

If you still need help, please email us at with your order # or fill out the form below and we will get to you as soon as possible.

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